Friday 17 October 2014

6 Things REAL Men Wants In A Relationship

From: Madubuko Jaybee

6 Things REAL Men Wants In A Relationship
While every man is different, there are certain things about a woman that will make any man stand up, take notice, and make him decide he wants to get into a relationship with you. If you want to win the right man's heart, you need to know what it is that makes a man go from just feeling casual about dating you to wanting and needing you on a deeper level. I'm going to take you inside a man's mind you so you understand what it takes to trigger this kind of connection.

And I'm  talking about a real man – one who is mature and grounded on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.
They are on a great path and open to growing on a deeply personal level. That's exactly why you're reading this post to find a quality kind of guy – a real man looking for a real relationship.

So here are what a mature, REAL man want in a relationship

  • A Real Man Wants Romantic Sex
Yeah I'm sure this might come as a big shock and its one of the MOST important thing a guy wants from a woman. Romantic s*x is not what most guys does with prostitute outside there rather s*x with feeling, passion, drive/desire, full of foreplay that will take his eyes off any other thing on skirt. No, this is not my PERSONAL opinion either; it really is the driving factor for all men. Quite frankly we can call this the one reason why REAL men stick in one relationship/marriage in hopes that their woman has everything they need, no need of looking outside.

You might argue that not all men want s*x in a relationship. Yeah you might be right because not every man around you is a REAL man. I repeat every REAL man wants romantic s*x in a relationship. food might be important to some men but not as important as what i described above, if that were the case, and men had to choose between food and s*x, starvation would probably be the number 1 reason why the male population is quickly dropping.

The basic gist of it is that, Romantic s*x is not that constant s*x  those play boys does with you rather it's been done occasionally with feeling, passion, desire from both partners and full of foreplay. That's what REAL men want. here only if you are using your phone to join to our bbm channel, or just search bbmchannel prettypeoplenaija
  • A Real Man Wants A Woman Who Is Playful
There's something that drives men wild and invites them into a deeper level of "connection" – play. We Men love to be active and to play. We were raised to express ourselves and connect with those around us through action.

Unfortunately, too many women seem to forget this and want to talk their way into a man's heart. But the fact is that men don't "feel it" for you because of what you say. It's not your words that make a man attracted to you, it's the experiences you create with him. Watch or play sports together, be competitive in casual games like ping pong – even add a little teasing and sarcasm here and there – and you'll really ramp up the attraction and interest. But remember everything has limit.
  • A Real Man Wants A Woman Who Is Independent

Lots of women mistakenly believe that men are looking for a "weaker" woman who will make them feel like they are smarter and more powerful. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Real men want a woman who inspires them because she has great things going on her own life. They want a woman who has her own purpose other than being in a relationship. here only if you are using your phone to join to our bbm channel, or just search bbmchannel prettypeoplenaija
A great guy isn't intimidated by independence and success. What matters to a man is that a woman still has space in her life for a great relationship and is grounded and present when she's with him.

The best way to communicate this to a man is to stay busy in your own life and not suddenly make him your world. Don't drop your own interests, responsibilities, and friends just to be with him. And then, when you are with him, really BE with him – have fun and give your attention to him and what you're doing together. here only if you are using your phone to join to our bbm channel, or just search bbmchannel prettypeoplenaija
  • A Real Man Wants A Woman Who Is Emotionally Mature
If a man feels attracted to a woman, eventually there's going to be a situation that comes up where you and a man will see something differently and misunderstand each other.
How will you respond to this and share your feelings? A woman who has the maturity to not blame or criticize a man for what she's feeling, but to share her feelings in an honest and authentic way that helps a man better understand her will be attractive to a man. How a woman handles her emotions is one of the most important things men look for when deciding whether or not to get serious with a woman. If she lets her emotions get out of control, this is a big red flag to him.

On the other hand, if she can present her feelings to him in a calm, non-dramatic manner, she will win his respect and make him feel like she's the kind of woman who will be a real partner to him. He'll see that she can handle things with a cool head rather than becoming a damsel in distress he has to rescue.
  • A Real Man Wants A Woman He's Intensely Attracted To
Fact: Men aren't as scared of commitment and relationships as they are scared of being in a relationship with a woman where there is no passion and attraction. A common way women accidentally kill the attraction men might be feeling is by either trying too hard to get him to like you, or by acting like the relationship is too serious too soon.

Relax and let things happen naturally. Make sure you do and say things that interject fun and humor into your relationship from the very start. There's nothing more appealing to a man than a great woman who knows how to relax and have fun.

You can do this through playful teasing, flirting, humor, and being unpredictable (in a good way). For instance, instead of talking about what he does for a living when you meet him (yawn), ask him about what sports he plays and what drives him. Once you're in a relationship, don't be afraid to shake things up, keep the relationship fun for both of you, and being a woman who is open to new experiences is very attractive to him. 
  • A REAL Man Wants Companionship
Finally, companionship, this is probably the reason why men eventually decide to marry a woman. As the word companionship very eloquently describes this need, we are looking for a person that is fun to be around; a person that shares our own interests; a person that we can talk to about our dreams, goals; a person that gets our sense of humor; a person that will stick by us no matter what.

Once we find such a person, it's only natural that we will try to do absolutely everything in our power to spend the most amount of time together. Oh compatibility…and its powerful drive to stick people together. 

We love and appreciate your supportive attitude and soothing words. We relish in your warmth and understanding. To put this more simply, your very presence makes us feel better.

I agree that there may be men out there that have additional expectations when looking for a partner but those guys are in the low minority and that's exactly why we won't be discussing those other "desires" as they do not fit in with the GENERAL mindset of men and their motivations. here only if you are using your phone to join to our bbm channel, or just search bbmchannel prettypeoplenaija {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ VERDANT STORIES SECTION

.... When Robin was eighteen years old, strong and bold, the Sheriff (governor) of Nottingham announced a shooting competition and offered a prize to whoever should shoot the best in Nottingham. "Now," said Robin, "1 will go too, for then I would win." So up he got and took his good how and a score or arrows, and started off from Locksley Town through Sherwood Forest to Nottingham. It was at the dawn of day in the merry Ma) time, when hedge rows are green and flowers fill the meadows; daisies pied and yellow cuckoo buds and prim roses all along the briery hedges;
When apple bud\ blossom and sweet birds sing,. when boys and gm I\ look upon each other \\ oh sweet 'tumulus, when busy housewives spread Wen to bleach upon the bright green grass. Sweet was the giceimood as he walked along its paths, and bright the green and rustling leaves, amid which the little birds sang with might: and merrily Robin w histled as he walked along. thinking of Marian and her bright eyes, for at such times a youth's thoughts are on the girl that he loves the most. As he walked along with a brisk step and a ' merry whistle, he came suddenly upon some .... TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW...JOIN US TOMORROW FOR MORE ON THIS FUNNY AND EXCITING STORY }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

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