Wednesday, 10 September 2014

President Obama Is Preparing His Special Address To The Nation On Combating The Islamic State

President Obama Is Preparing His Special Address To The Nation On Combating The Islamic State  
Obama Is Ready To Authorize Airstrikes Against ISIS In Syria WITHOUT Congress As He Prepares To Tell The Nation In Prime Time Address How He Will Destroy Jihadists -- Daily Mail

* White House official confirmed air strikes would feature in the plan
* Air Force has hit ISIS targets in Iraq – but has not yet struck Syria
* Obama will announce a long-awaited strategy in TV appearance Wednesday night
* He may ask for $500 million to arm rebels in Syria, but plans to act on other parts of his plan, including airstrikes there, even if Congress disapproves
* Rattling war sabers, former VP Dick Cheney warned the GOP on Tuesday that they need to push back against Obama's Pentagon budget cuts

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ VERDANT STORIES SECTION

Chapter Five anko woke Garba up. Garba was still very sleepy. "It's time," he whispered. "Time for what?" Garba asked, wanting nothing more than to return to sleep. The cool morning breeze was very soothing. "The orange tree," Tanko whispered Garba remembered. But he felt so tired. However, lie alighted the bed and got set. Sule was already there. They stole out of the hostel. One person was watching them. He had heard when Tanko woke up Garba. He was Bawa. Bawas was angry. Tanko had told Sule and Garba about the orange tree. He was bitter. Why would Tanko do such a thing? Perhaps he should get them into trouble by going to report to Mr. Jacobs. If he did that, the boys would be punished. He got up from his bed. He would surely get them into trouble. By the time he got out of the hostel, the boys had disappeared into the night. He looked at the direction of the cathedral and could not see a shadow. He looked the way that led to Mr. Jacob's house. The trees that trellised the way uphill to the house stood like giant ghosts. He shivered as a cold TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW...JOIN US TOMORROW FOR MORE ON THIS FUNNY AND EXCITING STORY }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

President Obama is poised to launch new airstrikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) in Syria as part of efforts to combat the militant group terrorizing the Middle East, according to a White House official. And he's prepared to move ahead without any 'buy-in' from Congress.

Obama is preparing for a prime-time televised speech in which he will spell out a long-awaited strategy to confront ISIS, a brutal terror network that has captured huge swathes of Iraq and Syria and published depraved videos showing its fighters beheading American journalists.

The United States military has already launched targeted strikes against the group's positions in Iraq, but has yet to strike at their strongholds in Syria, where the extremists are also fighting soldiers from the regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.

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