Friday, 6 March 2015

Why global warming gg does not necessarily result in warmer winters

From: Victor Okpanachi

Why global warming does not necessarily result in warmer winters

ON FEBRUARY 26th James Inhofe, a senator from Oklahoma, threw a snowball at another senator inside America's upper chamber. He did it to back up his contention that man-made climate change is not the threat President Barack Obama (and many others) say it is. Mr Inhofe is chairman of the Senate's environment committee and his argument has a simple and persuasive logic: much of the United States has experienced four unusually freezing winters in succession. Surely that contradicts the notion that the Earth's climate is warming up?

Not necessarily, for two reasons. First, the climate and the weather are not the same: they are related, but weather patterns develop and change over hours, days and weeks; the climate changes over years and decades. And second, the American landmass is just one small part of the surface of the globe. While temperatures have been well below average across much of the United States, other parts of the world have been abnormally warm. And indeed, there may be a connection between climate change and colder winters in parts of the northern hemisphere. The link is the Arctic region. Because the poles are colder than the equator, air streams north and south in order to equalise temperatures. In the northern hemisphere, this flow is called the jet stream. Because of the rotation of the Earth, the stream turns right as the planet spins, and flows in a wavy line around the pole, like a badly cut monk's tonsure. In the northern hemisphere the jet stream brings up warmer air from the south, producing more temperate weather in the northern regions over which it flows.

But the Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the Earth. Since the mid 1990s, temperatures at the northern pole have risen almost three times as much as they have at temperate latitudes. So the difference between the poles and the equator is narrowing. This seems to be affecting the jet stream, and could change its moderating effect on northern weather. According to Jennifer Francis of Rutgers University, in the northern hemisphere westerly wind speeds seem to have weakened since the mid 1990s. As the flow has faltered, the undulations of the jet stream have become more marked, with gentle waves turning into bigger loops. Inside the loops, low-pressure areas of cold air build up, producing "polar vortices" and other freezing weather patterns in America and (especially) northern Siberia—even while the Arctic warms.

Dr Francis's explanation is controversial. An article in Nature Geoscience in October 2014 supported her ideas, saying the retreat of the Arctic sea ice had roughly doubled the probability of severe winters in Europe and Asia. Other researchers, such as Elizabeth Barnes of Colorado State University, have raised doubts about the statistical links between changes in the Arctic and the jet stream. The scientific controversy is likely to rumble on—and while it does, senators can continue to throw snowballs.

Mo'Nique === Blackballed or Not ... I'm Not Afraid of Lee Daniels (TMZ Live)

From: <TMZ Staff>

Mo'Nique -- Blackballed or Not ... I'm Not Afraid of Lee Daniels (TMZ Live)
Mo'Nique just did something remarkable ... fearlessly speaking out about her feud with Lee Daniels -- one of the most powerful directors in Hollywood -- for claiming she's been blackballed.
The 2010 Oscar winner for Best Supporting Actress came on TMZ Live to reveal what went down when her "Precious" director Daniels -- who's also co-creator of "Empire" -- called to say Hollywood execs think she's "difficult" ... and don't want to work with her.
Actors almost never take on a director in public, but this interview is different -- Mo'Nique did not back down to Daniels. As for what started the beef -- Mo'Nique thinks it's all because she didn't name drop someone during her Oscar speech. Check out the clip.
Politics ... they're not just for D.C.

Check Out tt ..This Adorable Photo Of Osaze Odemwingie & Son

From: Ladun Liadi

Check Out This Adorable Photo Of Osaze Odemwingie & Son
Osaze posed in a new photo on a football pitch with his 2nd son. The footballer is married to a British woman.

Nadia Buari ii ..Confirms Birth Of Twins

From: Ladun Liadi

Nadia Buari Confirms Birth Of Twins
Nadia Buari has confirmed the birth of her twins by posting a thank you message on her instagram page. Though she didn't disclose who their father is, Nigerians believe Jim Iyke isn't their father because Jim hardly makes such a mistake. E don tey for the game now. Big congrats Nadia, we love you. The note she posted after the cut.

Jacksonville ...e.Jaguars Marqise Lee -- Bum Knee Cost Me Millions and My Insurance Co. Won't Pay Up

From: <TMZ Staff>

Jacksonville Jaguars Marqise Lee -- Bum Knee Cost Me Millions and My Insurance Co. Won't Pay Up
0305-marqise-lee-getty-01Jacksonville Jaguars wide receiver Marqise Lee's insurance company is adding financial insult to injury -- refusing to pay up after a blown knee made him drop in the NFL draft ... so now he's suing.
According to the docs, obtained by TMZ Sports, Lee paid $94K for a disability policy with Lloyd's of London during his final year at USC ... just in case he sustained an injury that affected his NFL future.
As bad luck would have it ... he did and he fell to the second round of the draft.
In the suit, Lee says Lloyd's owes him $4.5 million -- the difference between the policy amount and his $5.1 million contract. He says the insurance co. is hanging him out to dry by dragging its feet for more than 9 months on paying up.
For more sports stories, check out!

Chatham House ee Interview: Rose Peters Graham Fires Back At Her Critics

From: Ladun Liadi

Chatham House Interview: Rose Peters Graham Fires Back At Her Critics
Rose Peters Graham, a former Nigerian based Journalist who now resides in London and interviewed some Nigerians who carried placards in London on the 26th of February, during Gen. Buhari's visit to Chatham House has come for her critics. A lot of people have criticized her saying she was paid by APC for carrying out the interview, some called her a failed sacked NTA staff and some even went as far as saying she was bent on tarnishing the image of PDP that she went as far as risking the life of her baby by bringing a 2-month old baby to such an event.

Well Rose isn't cool with all those allegations and has decided to reply her critics. She gave a well detailed explanation. Below is the response she exclusively sent to me. 

Here is my response to the Negative stories created after my  postings of Activities outside Chatham House.

For the Record

On  Thursday 26th February 2015 I produced a series of video clips which covered the demonstrations by some Nigerians in the United Kingdom outside Chatham House where the leading Nigerian opposition All Progressive Congress (APC) leader Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (GMB)) was giving a speech.

As I mentioned in one of the video clips, I was there in my attempt to secure an interview with the General. My previous attempts to secure such an interview with General Buhari for a TV programme I co present on BEN-TV 'PolitrickswithKO' had failed and I was hoping to be able to catch up with General Buhari after his Chatham House presentation.
Whilst waiting for my cameraman to arrive, I noticed the demonstration unfolding and with a moment of spontaneity I started interviewing some of the demonstrators. Some of the responses to my interview questions were quite alarming and this prompted my recording of this unexpected encounter using the video camera on my phone.

As is evident from the video clips, the recordings were totally unscripted and uploaded online onto my personal Facebook page unedited momentarily, I had no opportunity to review or edit the video.

Some of the comments I made unwittingly in one of the video clips relating to the personal appearances, hygiene and status of some of the demonstrators were most certainly unbecoming of a professional journalist of my calibre. I totally accept that at the very least such personal comments should not have been made and at the very most should have been edited off before uploading those video clips.
For those comments I made, I would like to take this opportunity to publicly offer my sincere apologies.

Opponents of the truths captured in the video clips have ferociously used these comments to not only cover up and distract attention to the seriousness of the deceptive acts that were made bare in the coverage but also to threaten my safety, attack my credence and vilify my personality on social and mass media.
Whilst I have restrained to respond individually to the tactics used by these opponents, I find it necessary to use this opportunity to also address some of the baseless and outrageous comments which have been propagating on various online platforms and networks as follows:

- Re. "exposing her 2 month old baby"; "

To whoever made this assertion, if you are going to use the age of my baby to attack the quality of my motherhood, the least you could do is get my baby's age right!!!
Figuring out the age of my baby is quite a simple thing to research from the online announcements of my baby's birth.

If you can't get this simple thing correct to begin with I wonder what else you could so possibly get wrong, on the other hand if you could have gotten this right but deliberately seek to restate my baby's age then I questions your motive for such a fundamental distortion of facts.

- Re. "baby wept throughout the whole event"

Either the person making such a statement was not at the event, did not watch the video clips or is hell bent on defamation of my character as a mother.

- Re. "We are still investigating how much APC paid their camera lady… She can't just be too poor to afford £50 per day for child minder"

How much of a contradiction there is between the parts of this statement!!!
I'll address the first part of that statement later, but for now family matters first.

To the person making this statement, I ask do you have experience with third party childcare provisions in the UK?

If so, have you thought of the fact that I could have called around seeking availability for a day placement with a registered child minder before making the decision to take my baby along with me?

FYI, I'm a full time mother by choice and when the rear and impromptu opportunity for a chance to interview the General came to my attention I did call around seeking a registered child-minder for the day but there were no space available for that day with a child-minder licenced to look after under 2 years old. Due to my husband's work commitment on that day he could not take the day off work as he would normally have done with advance notice.

The decision that I take our baby along to the event was made by me and my husband after weighing the circumstances and the facts about the event available to us. So if you don't know, please ask.

If the person making such a statement does not have experience with third party childcare provisions in the UK, then FYI one does not just call up on anybody to be a child-minder just because you have "£50" to pay for their service.

- Re. "She even refused to use Umbrella"

Again I say, either the person making such a statement was not at the event, did not watch the video clips or is hot bent on defamation of character by way of false statement.

- Re. "a sacked ex staff of NTA"

To the person who made such total and outright ignorant claim, do you know that even after I resigned from NTA to pursue a career move working for another company I was still presenting the Sugar n Spice TV on NTA2 show on my own time up to the point of my leaving Nigeria to join my husband in the United Kingdom?
Do you know that even after relocating to the UK arrangements were made such that I was in consultation as a producer of the Sugar n Spice on NTA2 show up to the point I could not continue doing so because of my pregnancy?

How could you reconcile these facts with such a baseless statement of yours?

- Re. "an agent of the APC"

Whilst I openly and publicly make known my support for the General Buhari the candidate of the APC as a Nigerian with a freeborn right and liberty to choose and support candidates if and when I deem it fit, I must say I find it really flattering to be labelled an agent of the APC.
This is especially so flattering given the fact that the previous Saturday I was treated like a gate crasher at the reception held by the party in honour of the General at the Waterloo Park Plaza in London and not allowed into the main area of the event.
That was after the embarrassment I felt having persuaded a very reluctant husband of mine to cut short our family outing that day and dragging him along to a political event outside his comfort zone only for me not to be allowed into the main area of the reception part!!!!

So I'm very flattered by this statement and say to thanks for the compliment, this is happily received.

By the way, the photo with myself and the General's wife and daughter I took at the fringes of that reception party as it does look good as it makes the rounds as people share it as their supporting evidence of this statement. Thanks for sharing!!! ( I am not ashamed to have had the opportunity of meeting the General's wife and daughter. If anything it strengthened my resolve never to base my judgement of any Nigerian based on propaganda, lies and bigotry as my conversation with both women increased my resolve that irrespective where we come from in Nigeria we are bounded by a common humanity.

- Re. "We are still investigating how much APC paid their camera lady (Rose Graham)"

The last time I checked my bank account and cash flow I've not received any money from any political party!!

To the person who made this statement, I take it that after a week of your so-called investigation you are now in a position to tell us how much I have been paid by the APC.
I'm particularly interested to find out from your investigation which account this money has been paid into so that I can start proceedings to recovery that which you think is mine.
If to the contrary you had no intention of doing such an investigation, and made such a statement as a passing remark to distract attention from discussing the main issues on ground, I say shame on you!!! Our country has have enough of such tactics so yes, shame on you!!!

- Re. "Was Hired and Paid By APC"

I say again to the person making a claim like this in such an assured manner without any substantive evidence to back it up or an iota of truth to it, shame on you!!!

And for the records, I have NOT been hired NOR paid by the APC to do what I do. I do not have any intention of commercialising my right as a citizen of Nigeria to make a choice and take a stand in what is defining moment in the history of our country, every Nigerian owe our country the duty to choose between the available candidates who stand for election as guaranteed by the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. To the characters who think it is a crime to choose I must say use your internet and Google "UNIVERSAL ADULT SUFFRAGE" it could help.

Let me bring it to the attention of those who stood by me that for several weeks before the Chatham house event I had been hounded and bombarded by and individual claiming to represent the People's Democratic Party (PDP) with sinister proposals, it was a proponent of the PDP party who had made attempts to recruit me into their social media campaign for GEJ an offer which I turned down and my position made clear as is evidenced in the following extract from a Facebook messaging exchange I had with a PDP campaign representative between 4th and 5th Jan '15:

PDP Rep (real name withheld):
04/01/2015 20:23

"Please Let's Join Hands And PUSH As Much Information As We Can On The Positives Of GEJ Into The Media Space By Deploying Your FB And Twitter Handles.


I need a budget from you. I also need a strategy doc for your deployment of Online Media for the GEJ presidential campaign"

04/01/2015 22:46

"With all due respect sir, I'm not on the lookout for a budget. My contribution is purely out of a deep seated interest for our dear country. My online media presence strategy is basically to inform, educate and liaise with friends and contacts on pertinent issues relating to Nigeria in an engaging manner as I can."

PDP Rep:

05/01/2015 06:09

"WoW...OK. Thanks for The FeedBack. Appreciate Same. Will Send You Loads Of Stuff On The Achievements Of The GEJ Government.

Also Please Deploy the Hashtag I Sent To You Yesterday. We need it to go VIRILE."

NB: For the records, although my political convictions are very much more aligned with those of APC, It did not stop me from posting appropriate PDP media campaign information on my social media platform, neither did it stop me from inviting Peopled Democratic Party representatives to the PolitrickswithKO programme on BEN-TV.

Now that I've cleared the air on these matters, it would be greatly appreciated if we could draw a line under this discussion and focus on the far more important issues that are affecting us Nigerians.

We have an election due by the end of this month to prepare for as we look forward to electing to office the right people we believe have the best interest at heart for us, best placed to govern the nation and improve the standard of living for the benefit of all Nigerians.

May I also take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude to all those who have been supportive of me whilst going through the ordeals of the past week. Your kind words and actions have been very encouraging and much appreciated. I am truly blessed to have an understanding husband who is supportive of my chosen path and appreciates the intricacies of getting involved in the fight to restore the dignity of Nigerians from the shackles of forces of darkness.

May God bless us all regardless of our beliefs and persuasions political or otherwise and May God Bless the Nigeria.

Major rr throwback photo of Moses Inwang and Ramsey Noah...

From: Linda Ikeji

Major throwback photo of Moses Inwang and Ramsey Noah...
Throwback photo of film director Moses Inwang and Ramsey Noah throwing the middle finger back in the day..

Harrison Ford === Plane Crashes ... Actor Seriously Injured (VIDEO UPDATE: Paramedics Treat Harrison)

From: <TMZ Staff>

Harrison Ford -- Plane Crashes ... Actor Seriously Injured (VIDEO UPDATE: Paramedics Treat Harrison)

Plane Crash Lands

... Actor Survives

0305_harrison_ford_plane-twitterA small plane piloted by Harrison Ford has crash landed at an L.A. golf course ... but we're told the actor has survived.
TMZ has learned ... Ford was piloting what appears to be a vintage 2-seater fighter plane today ... when something went wrong and he crashed into Penmar golf course in Venice, CA.
We're told Ford suffered multiple gashes to his head and was bleeding.  Two doctors who happened to be at the golf course rushed over to treat the actor.
Emergency personnel arrived to the scene a short time later. Ford was transported to a nearby hospital.
72-year-old Ford is a longtime aviator -- piloting planes and helicopters -- and has crashed multiple times in the past.
Story developing ...

'Street Outlaws s' Driver -- Murder Charges in Street Racing Accident

From: <TMZ Staff>

'Street Outlaws' Driver -- Murder Charges in Street Racing Accident
Izzy Valenzuela Arrested              Murder
Izzy Valenzuela -- who appeared on the Discovery channel show "Street Outlaws" -- was arrested Thursday and charged with two counts of murder for his role in a street racing accident.
According to the L.A. County D.A.'s Office, Valenzuela was racing another man, Michael Gevorgyan, on February 25 when Gevorgyan lost control of his car and crashed into a crowd.
Two people in the crowd died and a third was injured.
Los Angeles has strict street racing laws, which is why Valenzuela is being charged even though his car didn't kill anyone. He's currently in jail, and prosecutors want him held on $2 million bail.
If convicted, Valenzuela faces 33 years to life in prison.
TMZ spoke to Valenzuela the day after the fatal street race -- we had a tip he might have been involved -- and he claimed he'd been at his auto shop that night ... and wasn't involved.

Elections:!! We Shouldn’t See Ourselves As Enemies- Adunni Ade

From: Ladun Liadi

Elections: We Shouldn't See Ourselves As Enemies- Adunni Ade
As the election dates get nearer, actress and mother of two, Adunni Ade has advised Nigerians to see one another as friends and not as enemies at this very sensitive time.
Continue below to see the rest of her tweets…

Holy Ghost t High School? Choi!

From: Linda Ikeji

Holy Ghost High School? Choi!
That's a primary/secondary school somewhere in Nigeria...*sigh*

Ijebu Billionaire Philanthropist t, Chief Bayo Kuku Dies

From: Ladun Liadi

Ijebu Billionaire Philanthropist, Chief Bayo Kuku Dies
Chief Bayo Kuku, a billionaire businessman, philanthropist and the Ogbeni-Oja of Ijebuland, has passed away. He passed away yesterday afternoon and will be buried today at his hometown. He died at 84.

Another Friday y Giveaway Is Here

From: Ladun Liadi

Another Friday Giveaway Is Here
If you have never won, now this is your chance of winning. The person who drops the 50th comment and another person with the 400th comment will be our winners for today. Please if you have won before, please do not participate, let others win too. Good luck guys.

'Storage Wars' Star to A&E ... Pay Up or r I'm OUT!!


'Storage Wars' Star to A&E ... Pay Up or I'm OUT!!
The A&E hit show "Storage Wars" could lose one of its biggest stars ... because of guys who are younger, cheaper and hungrier.
Sources connected to "Storage Wars" veteran Darrell Sheets tell us the network is going to cut his pay in half, from around $30k an episode to $15k.
And there's more bad news for Sheets ... we're told he's slated to appear in only 4 of the show's 26 episodes. Sheets thinks the handwriting is on the wall -- he's being phased out so the network can put in new guys who will work for a lot less.
Our Sheets sources say he's willing to walk, because he's gotten offers to do other TV shows.
A rep from A&E tells TMZ they plan to go forward with the season,  whether Darrell's a part of it or not.

#YNaijaPowerList: Linda Ikeji, Ik ,,. Osakioduwa, Mfonobong Nsehe. See the most powerful young people in media

From: Linda Ikeji

#YNaijaPowerList: Linda Ikeji, Ik Osakioduwa, Mfonobong Nsehe. See the most powerful young people in media
As the annual #YNaijaPowerList enters its 4th year, we bring you the most influential young Nigerians under 40 who are challenging the norms, and excelling in the media space. From a blogging titan showing no signs of slowing down, to a television anchor with 4 shows to his name, these are the guys who matter the most.
Linda Ikeji               
Everyone and their mother visits the Linda Ikeji blogspot and there is no longer any reason to lie about it. What started out as a random gossip column has become the most important online medium for breaking news, exclusives and human behaviour profiling. When Ikeji's blogspot was taken down by Google last year due to copyright infringement complaints, not a few persons wondered what to do with their lives. Ikeji rebounded in spectacular style and managed to come out of the debacle even more popular. And powerful. All hail the queen.
Cute pic, right? Hehe. That's not the pic YNaija sent me o...I had to go look for another one that I like (and please focus on the story and not the Continue...

Ayeni Adekunle
Adekunle is the founder of the popular, an influential entertainment portal that on its very good days, could be likened to the Variety of the Nigerian media space. As a PR practitioner and CEO of the Black House Media group, Adekunle has leveraged on his journalist background to create vitalised ad campaigns for some high profile clients. BHM last year created the first Nigerian PR mobile and desktop application.

Chamberlain Usoh, Maupe Ogun and Suleiman Aledeh
Also known as television's formidable trio, Usoh, Ogun and Aledeh are undoubtedly, the biggest attraction of morning television. Channels television's Sunrise Daily is the most influential breakfast show and the chemistry and professionalism that this trio of presenters bring to the screen is a major factor responsible for the show's continuous appeal and endurance. Usoh's quiet forcefulness, Ogun's probing determination and Aledeh's smooth but hard hitting style are a match made in tv heaven.
Ebuka Obi-Uchendu
Redefining his career as host of Rubbin' Minds, the number 1 youth centred television programme in the country, Obi-Uchendu has easily become king of Day time television. That is a long way from his days as pin up boy and reality television star. Obi-Uchendu sits with the biggest stars and trendiest newsmakers and is able to get them to dish as much as he wants them too. He is also a regular feature on Ebony Life television where he co-hosts the magazine show, The Spot as well as the political show, Naija Politics. He was recently signed on as brand ambassador for telecoms giant Etisalat.
Ik Osakioduwa                                              
IK Osakioduwa has become synonymous with Big Brother Africa, the reality television show he has been hosting since 2009 when he replaced South Africa's Kabelo. Received in over 40million homes as BBA host, it is no surprise that Osakioduwa's asking price as events compere quickly skyrocketed such that only major gigs like the AMVCAs and Lagos Countdown can afford his services. When he isn't in SA, this former Wildchild works as an OAP on Radio's Rhythm 93.7 and his recently commissioned talk show,Highlites with IK on Africa Magic.

Mfonobong Nsehe
When you write for Forbes, the world's unimpeachable authority on all things rich and wealthy, you instantly have some clout. When you cover the African region and your brief is to profile the lifestyles of the continent's rich and famous, then said clout is multiplied fourfold. Nsehe boasts of access to Africa's movers and grinders, the kind that many journalists can only dream about and when the fiscal year is done, he submits the definitive rich list.
Seun Okin
Thanks to Seun Okinbaloye's impeccable grasp of his onions and sterling performance as host of Channels television's Politics Today, the weekend show has become popular among both politically inclined Nigerians and the politicians in the news. Okin's bullish but professional methods have attracted the biggest names in today's politics- from federal ministers to state governors. Everyone talks to Seun Okin.
Tolu Ogunlesi
Presently serving as West African Editor of the Africa Report, Ogunlesi has written for every publication that matters. From Forbes to FAB, The Huffington Post to Punch, the graduate of Pharmacy from the University of Ibadan is indeed one of the most influential and prolific journalists working out of Africa. His investigative work is always stellar and his opinion pieces can be trusted to start a conversation online, especially on Twitter, where he engages his over 100,000 followers.
Toyosi Ogunseye
Ogunseye became one of the youngest editors of a major newspaper when she was promoted to editor of the Sunday Punch. She may be tasked with preparing the weekly but she still finds time to churn out powerful features like her 3-part piece on the impact of gases released by a steel company on an upscale estate in Lagos state which won her her second CNN/Multichoice African journalist of the year trophy, this time in the Environment category.
Uzodinma Iweala
Uzodinma Iweala, editor of Ventures magazine is the product of the union between a Harvard trained Economist and a prominent neurosurgeon so it is comes as no surprise that he has emerged a high flyer in his own right. A critically acclaimed author and physician, he makes this list because of his work with Ventures magazine which has become an influential voice in African reportage. Ventures has uncovered millionaires in places Forbes wouldn't dare to look and challenges the global leader for authority on the African market space.

Nadia Buari confirms birth of twinss, thanks fans for well wishes

From: Victor Okpanachi

Nadia Buari confirms birth of twins, thanks fans for well wishes

The actress just posted this thank you message to fans on her instagram page, confirming that she welcomed twins recently. And no, Jim Iyke isn't their father... congrats to Nadia...!